
22 October 2007

Tessie's Newest Stunt

I only managed to catch the last cycle on video, but Tessie ran through this particular feat of climbing skill about a dozen times. (Climb the chair, sit up, grab table, slide off chair, repeat.)

Meanwhile, we've been having an exciting time watching baseball. After every Red Sox win, Tessie gets tossed in the air. (Don't worry - I never fully let go and she really, really likes it!) She gets one toss for every run the Sox scored, plus one for every home run they hit. I still owe her the tosses from last night's victory in ALCS Game Seven: eleven runs scored + Pedroia's home run + Youkilis' home run = 13 tosses! Earlier in the season I was also adding a toss for every consecutive Yankee loss, but they seem to have stopped playing...

We may have to end this particular tradition this year, though: she's getting a little too big for me to be tossing her so many times. Hopefully, we'll get four more opportunities this season, and then we'll have to come up with something new next year.

On to the World Series!

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