
23 March 2008

Happy Easter!

Tessie, with help from her day care staff, made us an Easter card and dyed a pair of eggs. There is photographic evidence of Tessie's egg-dying, but our scanner is on the blink, so we can't share it here. We take it on faith that she created the egg decorations on the card, but believe that composing the verse inside is slightly beyond her current abilities.

You're probably curious now as to what it says. Sorry; here goes:

I'm a Little Chick
(Sung to "I'm a Little Teapot")

I'm a little chick inside an egg
I'm always sleeping - snoring away
Soon you'll hear a pecking, pecking sound
The egg will crack and I'll be found!

The card concludes with "Have an 'egg-stra' special Easter," in the belief that children are never too young for bad puns.

These items were sent home to us along with a staggering amount of Chinese-made junk, sugary foods and festive plastic detritus that other parents felt the need to distribute amongst the families of their offspring's cohort in celebration of the resurrection of Christ, the annual return of the Easter Bunny and/or their impending Economic Stimulus Payments.

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