
04 April 2008

Vocabulary Explosion

Since I posted "The Lexicon of Tessie," her vocabulary has expanded greatly. It seems that the developmental stage known as the "vocabulary explosion" has occurred, and there is no way we could hope to chronicle all of her new words.

There are, however, a few notable ones that should be mentioned. We encourage, and she uses, both "please" (pronounced peez) and "thank you" (pronounced do-du). Tessie refers to herself in the third person, but she is starting to string together rudimentary sentences, and she can ask for specific items. Her arrival home from day care is usually marked with requests for either "milk" or "bubbles," sometimes both simultaneously. ("Bubbles" refers to soap bubbles we make in the courtyard.) She also knows her colors fairly well and can identify them when asked, usually while she's playing with colorful toys like her Legos or crayons. Many animals are identified by the sounds they make: sheep are "baa", cows are "moo," cats are "meow," and horses are "neigh." Dogs, however, are "doggies," probably because of the lack of consistency in children's literature regarding their vocalizations: do they say "bark," "woof," "arf," or what?

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