
10 December 2008


Tessie not only posesses a rapidly expanding vocabulary, she also has become capable of stringing together complex sentences. She uses prepositions correctly, not only to describe the relative positions of objects (on, over, below, etc.), but also relationships in time (before, after, etc.). She can follow sequential instructions, like "Put the toys away, then go wash your hands and go to the dinner table," and she can even follow such instructions unsupervised.

She is using her newfound linguistic abilities in concert with her developing memory. Earlier this evening, while out shopping with Mommy, she expressed a desire for ice cream and made a request for a specific flavor. Then, after eating her entire dinner, she made it clear that she had thus satisfied an established precondition for dessert and asked for the ice cream.

Her enhanced language skills and memory are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we can expect her to more readily understand what we want; on the other, she is becoming more capable of demanding consistency and accountability from us. We have to watch what we say; it's becoming clear that she understands and remembers our words.

1 comment:

Tessie's Dad said...

I just found this post waiting to be published. I don't know why I saved it without publishing it at the time.